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Global transport union calls on transport ministers to support industry wide just transition plans

ニュース 記者発表資料

Transport ministers meeting at the annual summit of the International Transport Forum, must take the lead on globally coordinated, state led, industry wide just transition plans.

Governments attending the largest gathering of transport ministers in Leipzig this week (24–26 May) know they must respond to convergence crises; from the impact of dangerous climate change, the rising cost of living and a shortage of decent work in transport.

The International Transport Workers’ Federations’ (ITF) three-point plan for transport ministers sets out how transport ministers can take action on climate change, jobs and investment:           

  1. Transport industry wide national just transition plans with national just transition committees.
  2. Government commitments on climate finance to secure long term investment for transport in developing countries.
  3. Supporting transport workers’ action on climate change through the creation of good union jobs, with decent wages and safe and secure working condition.

The ITF Global Poll of voters in 15 countries showed strong support for the ITF plan. 80% of people want their government to increase investment in sustainable transport, and 79% want their government to put in place national plans to lower emissions in the transport sector.

Industry wide just transition plans

“Governments must actively plan to meet the climate challenge with industry wide just transition plans,” said ITF General Secretary Stephen Cotton. “Implementing concrete measures to involve workers in decision making at all levels of the transport industry will secure sustainable economies. Every government should establish an industry wide just transition plan with a Just Transition Committee for the transport sector. This is essential to actively plan for the challenges ahead on skill development, on health and safety and on employment security.”

Climate finance and investment in sustainable transport

“Commitments to act on climate change requires a commitment on climate finance. Globally there is a massive funding gap on sustainable transport. We need hard commitments from governments to mobilise finance based on robust needs assessments, that commit to public finance for key transport infrastructure and services, ensuring democratic control, and making sure just transition standards are hard wired into climate finance flows,” said Cotton.

Jobs, wages and conditions

“There is no climate justice without worker justice,” said Cotton. “Transport workers are already leading on climate action, but we must make sure that the risks of climate change and the burdens of climate action do not fall on workers. The decarbonisation of the transport sector must be rapid, safe and fair for workers and communities. It must create good union jobs, with decent wages and safe working conditions. That is what we mean by just transition.”

Transport workers and their unions are working with governments and employers to implement just transition plans including:

  • The Future is Public Transport campaign with the C40 network of mayors.
  • The Maritime Just Transition Task Force with the International Chamber of Shipping, the UN Global Compact, the International Labour Organisation, and the International Maritime Organisation.
  • Strategic tripartite action on just transition with aviation employers and governments at the ILO following a technical meeting on sustainable aviation held in April 2023.

Just transition must be central to all discussions by governments from 63 countries and is the way for transport to support sustainable economies. Governments are engaging with the climate challenge, but effective climate action will only be possible with the full engagement of transport workers and commitment to the ITF’s three-point plan.


ニュース 記者発表資料


国際運輸労連(ITF)は、数百万人の市民に計り知れない死と苦しみを与えてきた15カ月にわたる壊滅的な戦争を終結させることになるハマスとイスラエルの停戦合意の発表を歓迎する。 この合意により、殺りくに終止符が打たれ、人命を救う人道支援が妨げられることなく迅速にガザに届けられ、引き離された家族が再会でき、破壊されたものを再建する厳しい道のり開始する可能性が直ちに提供された。

韓国の交通運輸労働者、民主主義と 安全な労働条件を求めてスト

韓国の運輸・公共部門の労働者 2 万人が、政府の行動に抗議し、労働条件の改善を求めてストライキ集会を開催している。 12 月 7 日(土)、交通運輸と公共部門で働く韓国公共運輸労連 (KPTU) の組合員が国会前に集結し、政府に抗議し、尹錫悦(ユン・ソンニョル)大統領の弾劾を求める合同ストライキ集会を開催した。 12 月 3 日に大統領が突如、戒厳令を発布し、政治活動や市民の自由


国際運輸労連 (ITF) は、韓国で違法に戒厳令を施行しようとした尹錫悦(ユン・ソンニョル)大統領の試みを強く非難する。 ITF に連なる 1,650 万人の交通運輸労働者は、民主主義を守るための闘いを続けている韓国の労働者に揺るぎない連帯を示している。 ユン大統領による火曜日の違法な戒厳令の発令に、世界は衝撃を隠せない。ユン大統領は、 1980 年代の軍事独裁政権を彷彿とさせる言葉を使い