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US meeting identifies common challenges for airline catering workers

ニュース 27 Nov 2017

Vince Shaw, Teamsters bargaining committee chair, Gate Gourmet, explained: “We were pleased to see the commitment to coordination between the ITF and IUF in support of airline catering unions, with a particular focus on the two dominant multinationals in the industry: Gate Gourmet and LSG Sky Chefs.

“National sectoral bargaining in the Netherlands and Nordic countries has led to improved conditions, but challenges remain in Latin America and Asia. All of us shared concerns about living wages, irregular hours, the use of agency/temporary workers, and safety and security. All unions were also concerned about the potential impact of increased automation.”

He concluded: “Many airline catering workers in the USA are working extremely long hours or taking on second jobs to provide for their families. Hourly pay is often at or only slightly above the minimum wage; well below a living wage. Health care benefits often leave members with very high additional bills to pay. There are serious issues with workplace safety, unsafe equipment and security concerns.”

 A report by ITF civil aviation section secretary Gabriel Mocho showed just how profitable the airline industry is – yet in many countries, airline catering workers have not benefitted from the industry’s growth and profitability. A report by IUF international officer, dairy, meat, food processing and catering, examined the ownership structures of the two multinationals and their links to the large airlines in the context of the broader catering industry.

Ashwini Sukthankar, UNITE HERE director of global campaigns, applauded the amount of common ground and learning identified during the meeting and reported that the unions present had agreed to approach both the direct employers and the ‘economic employers’ in the industry to raise standards for workers.

Luis Velazquez, youth secretary of Argentina’s Camioneros (Federación Nacional de Trabajadores Camioneros de Argentina) union described as fantastic the spirit of common purpose shown during the event, which was, he said, another example of the support his union had received in its ongoing struggle to secure proper recognition, and the right to join a union of their choice, for drivers working for Gate Gourmet in Argentina.

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