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Workers agree historic Hawaii hotel labour contract


Local 142 of the International Longshore & Warehouse Union (ILWU) announced that the four-year contract will produce immediate five per cent rises for non-tipped employees and 13 per cent rises in total over the full term of the agreement, with smaller rises for tipped employees. All employees will get fully-paid medical care and eight days’ paid holidays instead of the current three.

Since signing a unionisation petition in 2002, the ILWU claims that workers have endured mass firings and intimidation. It says that the owner of the Pacific Beach had tried to use the appointment of new management contractors as an excuse to take any contract talks back to the beginning and to make employees reapply for their jobs. The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) ruled, however, that there was effectively no difference between the new management company and the hotel itself.

Ongoing violations of federal labour law by the hotel led to the NLRB successfully applying for the second time to the US District Court for Hawaii for an injunction in 2011. The hotel’s appeal against this failed when in 2012 the US 9th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the judgement and the US Supreme Court refused to hear the case.

ILWU International Vice President Wesley Furtado said: "We thank the many people and organizations from Hawaii and around the world who came forward to support this struggle."
ITF head of civil aviation and tourism Gabriel Mocho commented: “We congratulate the workers on this victory and hope that it sends a loud message to other hotels in the region.”
The hotel relies heavily on visitors from Japan, so the solidarity visits and networking support from Japanese unions and the endorsement of a boycott in 2008 by the Japanese Trade Union Confederation were invaluable. The Tokyo offices of the ITF and the International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers' Association (IUF) were involved from the start of the struggle, with their dockers and tourism unions playing an important role. And in November 2012, the ITF’s tourism section conference approved a motion of support.  

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マラケシュで開催された2024年ITF世界大会の歴史的最終セッションでは、全世界の交通運輸労組の揺るぎない決意を再確認し、今後5年間のITF戦略を策定する重要な動議を採択し、役員の選出も行った。 労働者の力を高め、搾取と分断を進める勢力に対抗することに明確な焦点を当てた今大会は、激動の増す世界において、正義、平等、連帯のテーマを定め、譲ることのできない一線を明確にした。その中心にあるのは


 ITF は本日ストを決行するアルゼンチンの交通運輸労働者に連帯を送る。  アルゼンチンの交通運輸労組は、ハビエル・ミレイ大統領の労働者に対する攻撃(緊縮財政、スト権に対する攻撃、反労組の政策等)に抗議している。  ミレイ政権は、投資家に減税を施し、大企業に迎合する一方、国営のアルゼンチン航空を民営化して、補助金を撤廃しようとしている。  これまで


ITFの青年登録人員は2018年の前回大会時の115万人から178万人へ 55%増加した。 これは、ITF加盟組織が青年を優先させ、より幅広く利益代表できる力強いグローバル組織の構築を目指した結果である。 本日、マラケシュで開催されたITF青年総会に、 71カ国、 142組合から 190人を超える青年労働者が参加した。参加者は組織拡大を祝うとともに、「安定した仕事と安全な職場は、もはや希望ではなく