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New contract to benefit thousands of UPS pilots

ニュース 02 Sep 2016

Over 98 per cent of eligible union members cast their votes, and more than 91 per cent ratified the agreement, which came into effect on 1 September. The IPA has thanked the ITF and its unions for their support throughout the negotiation process.

Workers’ concerns over fatigue and safety have been addressed, with more favourable duty period limits for overnight and international flights, additional sleep facilities at major gateways, sleep modules in UPS B767 aircraft, and a commitment by UPS to work with the IPA in applying the latest in fatigue science to pilot scheduling.

The agreement also means that pilots will receive an immediate pay increase of over 14 per cent, with three per cent annual increases during the contract period. There will be signing bonuses, alongside an increase in the defined benefit pension plan.

IPA president Robert Travis said: "The IPA thanks the ITF and our fellow member unions for their solidarity in assisting us in reaching this agreement with UPS.”

He added that the IPA would continue to advocate for cargo flying to be included in duty and rest rules which were currently only applicable to passenger flying, stating “our advocacy for one level of aviation safety continues”.

Gabriel Rodriguez Mocho, ITF’s civil aviation secretary, congratulated the IPA and its members on achieving the successful agreement.

The IPA is the collective bargaining unit representing the more than 2,500 professional pilots who fly for United Parcel Service, the world's largest transportation company. It is headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky in the USA. Find out more about the IPA at

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