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Civil aviation focus on Latin America and Caribbean


Affiliates at the ITF civil aviation regional conference in Buenos Aires on May 7-8 discussed labour issues in major airlines in Latin America and the Caribbean and created the first ITF pilots committee.

Representatives of ITF-affiliated unions in the region and special guest Enrique Carmona, president of the European Transport Workers' Federation (ETF) civil aviation committee, met to discuss labour violations, government limitations and restrictions which impede the professional development of workers, fare policies and unions’ commitment to develop proposals to tackle these issues.

Participants agreed the importance of negotiations with managers of major airlines, in order to promote the right to free association, equal remuneration, decent work and an end to labour discrimination. They discussed how to prevent labour rights violations, such as the mass dismissals of workers represented by ITF affiliate the Sindicato de Tripulantes de Cabina Lan Chile (STLCA), inequality in wages and benefits between union members and non-members, anti-union practices and the use of polygraphs.

Six countries in the region will participate in the newly-created ITF pilots committee. Diana Martínez, a pilot and board member of her union, the ITF-affiliated Asociación Colombiana de Aviadores Civiles, will be one of the representatives.

Gabriel Mocho, ITF civil aviation secretary, commented: "It was very evident during the conference how well civil aviation organisations in the region are developing. The experience gathered in the LATAM organising project is extending to the region and workers from the AviancaTACA airline group in Latin America will coordinate their strategies. In this way, we will take advantage of what we have built to keep growing."

Aviation unions in countries where the LATAM airline group operates are cooperating in protest at cabin crew sackings by the company’s Chilean and Ecuadorean subsidiaries and the ITF LATAM network promotes international solidarity with the workers. Read more here.(




2 月 19 日、国境を越えて働くトラック運転手 120 人がウガンダ運輸一般労組( ATGWU )に加入し、トラック部門の組織人員が約 650 人まで増加した。 ITF のスティーブ・コットン書記長は、「ウガンダの運転手は国境を越えて数の力を構築している」と述べる。 「 ATGWU に加入したことで、彼らは非正規雇用、長時間労働、低賃金、国境通過時の煩雑な手続き、職場の暴力や嫌がらせ


 国際運輸労連 (ITF) は 29 日にワシントン D.C. 近郊で発生した、アメリカン航空 5342 便として運航されていた PSA 航空旅客機と米軍ヘリコプターの衝突事故にショックを受けるとともに、悲しみに暮れている。   旅客機には ITF に加盟する客室乗務員組合( AFA-CWA )と定期航空操縦士協会( ALPA )の組合員が乗務していた。 ITF は生存者の可能性に希望を抱きつつ
ニュース 記者発表資料


国際運輸労連(ITF)は、数百万人の市民に計り知れない死と苦しみを与えてきた15カ月にわたる壊滅的な戦争を終結させることになるハマスとイスラエルの停戦合意の発表を歓迎する。 この合意により、殺りくに終止符が打たれ、人命を救う人道支援が妨げられることなく迅速にガザに届けられ、引き離された家族が再会でき、破壊されたものを再建する厳しい道のり開始する可能性が直ちに提供された。