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Sustainable road transport needed in Mexico

ニュース 20 Jun 2024

The International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) will organize a symposium to promote the implementation of a safe and sustainable road transport industry that has decent working conditions for Mexican transport workers. 

The ITF will be joined by the Secretary of Infrastructure, Communications and Transport (SICT) at the symposium entitled ‘Road transport: new challenges and opportunities’, which will take place on 25-26 June in Mexico City. 

The SICT was established to contribute to social well-being through the construction, modernisation and maintenance of an accessible, safe, efficient and sustainable road infrastructure that connects people by regional and intermodal development.  

Under this principle, the SICT and the ITF have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that seeks to improve cooperation for the promotion of the development of transport infrastructure and services, and the furthering of labour policies for decent work in the country. This symposium will build on the MoU to develop global knowledge, understanding and best practice. 

ITF General Secretary Stephen Cotton who is on the ground in Mexico City said: “The symposium is a crucial opportunity to ensure that workers and unions are at the centre of the future of road transport in Mexico.” 

“We will be sitting down and encouraging the exchange of experiences so that we can work towards more efficient and sustainable transport that is vital for the development of the country and the region, with fair labour legislation and tripartite social dialogue at the heart of this. We are deeply grateful to the SICT and the panellists for this chance to put workers’ issues on the agenda.” 

The symposium will look at: 

  • An Overview of the road transport industry in Mexico 

Identifying the challenges and opportunities in the road transport industry including the expansion of the geographical and social coverage of infrastructure and services; the efficiency of different modes of transport and how they allow people to move from one place to another and transport goods in an efficient and timely manner; sustainable transport and zero carbon emissions; responsible labour legislation.  

  • Empowering women and young workers 

Identifying the challenges and solutions of integrating and training women and young workers in road transport. 

  • Global perspectives 

Panellists will share knowledge and experiences from other countries which could influence national policy to raise industry standards and guarantee workers' rights and conditions. 

  • Security in supply chains 

Seeking to create a model of international trade based on transparency, accountability, rights, equality and sustainability. The importance of the implementation of the Safe Rates model to avoid social dumping between companies and the reduction of working conditions.  

Government representatives, employers and workers' unions are expected to participate. 

The opening of the event will be attended by Rogelio Jiménez Pons, Vice Secretary of the SICT; Senator Freyda Marybel Villegas, President of the Communications and Transportation Commission of the Senate of the Republic; and on behalf of the ITF, Stephen Cotton, general secretary; Edgar Díaz, regional secretary for Latin America. 


For more information, please contact Alfonso Bahena, ITF Latin America communications officer: 

ABOUT THE ITF: The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) is a democratic, affiliate-led federation recognised as the world’s leading transport authority. We are the voice of 16.5 million transport workers in more than 740 transport unions in 150 countries. We stand for the rights of all transport workers and drive collective action to improve their lives.  

Photo: Buildings and houses stand shrouded in smog as authorities ordered traffic restrictions due to air pollution in Mexico City, March, 2024. REUTERS/Henry Romero


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