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ITF stands with Unite's Liverpool dockers 100%

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ITF leadership was in Liverpool this week to meet the 560 Unite the union Liverpool dockers who are striking for pay justice. The port's owner made £141 million in profit last year - more than its entire wage bill. 73% more than pre-pandemic. Yet the company is telling these workers to take a real-terms pay cut. This is as UK inflation could hit 20% by January. ITF Dockers' Section coordinator Enrico Tortolano was clear: "You've got the support of the global dockers community. We stand together, and I'm with you right until victory." The ITF and our 700 affiliates will stand with the Liverpool dockers until they get a fair day's pay for a fair day's work.

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公共交通産業の 女性労働者に対 する仕事の未来 の影響

公共交通部門の労働者は今、技術の導入に基づく重要な変化に直面している。技術は、仕事のやり方、監督方法、体制をさらに変化させる可能性を秘めている。本調査は、公共交通部門の仕事の未来に関する議論に女性交通運輸労働者のニーズや懸念を反映させるために、国際運輸労連( ITF )が委託したものである。女性は公共交通の利用者としてとらえられることが多く