In the film, Lucian describes how he is paid around half of what a Dutch lorry driver working for IKEA earns for doing the same work.
To coincide with the film launch on 10 April, the BTB protested at six IKEA stores in Belgium and the Swedish Transport Workers’ Union handed out flyers at 11 IKEA stores in Sweden. These actions have forced IKEA to respond to questions about the issue from TV, radio and print reporters.
The ITF has been investigating exploitation in IKEA's supply chain for some time, and since a BBC exposé of the issue it has seen a rise in the number of drivers and their families coming forward with their own stories. The ITF has issued a call for more truck drivers to get in touch with their accounts of exploitation while moving goods for IKEA.
Head of ITF inland transport Noel Coard said: "We know that these unsavoury practices are widespread and we have only uncovered the tip of the iceberg. Drivers and their families should know that they can contact us with their experiences and we can help make their voices heard.
"Many people will be spending Easter at home with loved ones this weekend, but these drivers won’t be. They’ll be working around the clock often under terrible conditions, hauling products for IKEA. Every worker deserves respect and IKEA needs to take responsibility. What are they waiting for?"
CALL TO TRUCK DRIVERS: if you’re being exploited while moving goods for IKEA, email or WhatsApp +44 7570 659 594. All messages will remain anonymous and confidential.
View and share the unions’ IKEA film.
In December 2016, hundreds of activists from ITF unions around the world took action to highlight exploitation in the IKEA supply chain in Europe. Read more.