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ITF statements of solidarity following Belgium terror attacks

ニュース 記者発表資料

Today your country and its people were attacked by terrorists who targeted the users and workers of your nation’s transport systems. The attacks were cruel, deplorable and abhorrent to anyone who believes in decency, humanity and justice.

I can assure you that all of us throughout the ITF global family are shocked by these outrages, and ready to stand in sympathy and solidarity with those workers, passengers, citizens and visitors who have been affected, as well as with their families.

These killings and this attempt to intimidate the people of Belgium are the antithesis of everything you and we stand for and hold dear. We are ready to help in any way we can.

In solidarity, yours,
Steve Cotton
ITF general secretary


Chères collègues, chers collègues,

Aujourd’hui, la Belgique et sa population ont été prises pour cibles par des terroristes qui visaient les usagers et les personnels des systèmes de transports. Ces attaques cruelles et déplorables sont une ignominie pour quiconque croit en la décence, en l’humanité et en la justice.


Je peux vous assurer que l’ensemble de la famille mondiale de l’ITF est sous le choc et exprime ses sincères condoléances et sa solidarité à ces personnels, passagers, citoyens et touristes touchés par ces atrocités, ainsi qu’à leurs proches.


Ces attentats et tentatives d’intimidation du peuple belge sont l’antithèse de toutes les valeurs que nous défendons et chérissons. Nous nous tenons prêts à vous aider par tous les moyens possibles.


Salutations solidaires,

Stephen Cotton

Secrétaire général de l’ITF



Geachte collega's

Vandaag is uw land en volk aangevallen door terroristen die zich specifiek richtten op de gebruikers en werknemers van de vervoerssystemen in uw land. De aanvallen waren wreed, afschuwelijk en afstotelijk voor iedereen die gelooft in de mensheid, fatsoen en rechtvaardigheid.

Ik kan u ervan verzekeren dat wij allen in de gehele ITF-familie wereldwijd geschokt zijn door deze wandaden en dat wij gereed zijn om ons medeleven en onze solidariteit met de getroffen werknemers, passagiers, burgers en bezoekers en hun gezinnen te betonen.

Deze moorden en deze poging om het volk van België te intimideren staan lijnrecht tegenover alles waar u en wij voor staan en wat ons lief is. Wij zijn bereid om op alle mogelijke manieren te helpen.

In solidariteit verbonden,

Stephen Cotton

ITF General Secretary



Please relay our deepest sympathies for those killed and maimed in the last round of terrorism in Brussels and our solidarity to all of the Belgian and Brussels community and labour movement at this time of  such great grief and trauma

Mass transport systems have again been a target of terrorism and we also reach out to all Belgian transport workers with empathy and wholehearted support in the hope and knowledge they will continue to deliver the essential support services that keep our modern lives functional and secure

This latest appalling round of violence and dysfunction against ordinary working women and men only makes our International Transport Workers Federation and the international labour movement more determined to achieve a just ,equitable and long term political economic industrial and social reconciliation based on genuine and cooperative engagement regardless of race religion gender or age.

The courage of the Belgian people in the face of this tragedy can only galvanize us in the wider trade union movement to search more deeply for long term solutions based on justice equity sustainability and accountability

Again, our deepest sympathies, most heartfelt empathy and solidarity at this most grievous time to all our Belgian brothers and sisters from Steve Cotton General Secretary, the Executive Board and all affiliates of the ITF

Sincerely and in unity
Paddy Crumlin
ITF President



On behalf of the ETF affiliates I want to convey our solidarity with the Belgian population, the Belgian ETF affiliates and all those directly and indirectly affected by the terrorist attacks in Brussels today, 22 March 2016. The ETF Secretariat also expresses its warm gratitude for the numerous messages of solidarity and support it has received and confirms all colleagues are safe and unharmed. 

Our first thoughts and deepest sympathy go to the families, friends and colleagues of the people who died or got injured in the Brussels bombings aiming for no more than to continue spreading fear and division and to destabilise our societies. 

The ETF condemns in the strongest terms any act of terrorism hitting innocent lives with the sole goal to induce a worldwide escalation of violence and a downfall of respect for human and civil rights. 

We call upon all people worldwide, and in particular working men and women and their trade unions, not to allow such marginal groups of extremists to stir up feelings of racism and hatred in our societies. The contrary, such barbaric events need to strengthen our believe in the core values of democracy and justice. 

The ETF and its members offer all help and sympathy to those impacted by these dreadful acts of terrorism. 

In solidarity, 

Eduardo CHAGAS 

ETF general secretary


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マラケシュで開催された2024年ITF世界大会の歴史的最終セッションでは、全世界の交通運輸労組の揺るぎない決意を再確認し、今後5年間のITF戦略を策定する重要な動議を採択し、役員の選出も行った。 労働者の力を高め、搾取と分断を進める勢力に対抗することに明確な焦点を当てた今大会は、激動の増す世界において、正義、平等、連帯のテーマを定め、譲ることのできない一線を明確にした。その中心にあるのは


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