Montreal, Quebec, Canada- September 10, 2014- The Canadian Maritime and Supply Chain Coalition today learned that European Member States have until September 12, 2014 to make amendments to the text of the Canadian-European Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement (CETA). Based on this new information, the Coalition is demanding that the Canadian Government release the full text of the agreement for review.
“The secrecy and lack of transparency by Prime Minister Harper and his Government is nothing short of contempt for the Canadian taxpayer,” said James Given, President, S.I.U. of Canada and Chair, Canadian Maritime and Supply Chain Coalition. “It’s time that they put up or get out.”
It is imperative that the CETA agreement not enter into force until it has been fully debated and consequently agreed on by Canadian Parliament and European Parliament Members. Moreover, the Coalition suggests that a referendum be held on this very important trade deal so that Canadians can have their say before this becomes law and the damage cannot be reversed. “If Prime Minister Harper is so confident about CETA, then an election should be held to let Canadians have their say. One thing that we can agree on is that no one gave the Conservatives the mandate to sell Canadians’ jobs to EU ship owners!” continued Mr. Given.
The Canadian Maritime and Supply Chain Coalition stresses the urgency of the release of this agreement and maintains that if CETA comes to fruition it will eliminate thousands of Canadian jobs in the Maritime Trades by weakening and abolishing the Cabotage Laws. Furthermore, it will not take long before the rest of the Canadian transportation sectors are affected, including, air, road and rail.
About the Canadian Maritime and Supply Chain Coalition: This coalition was formed in response to the detrimental effects that Canadian-European Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement (CETA) will have on the Canadian maritime industry and the rest of the logistic chain. This coalition includes leaders from the following Unions from Canada and around the globe: Seafarers’ International Union of Canada, Seafarers’ International Union of North America, UNIFOR, International Longshoremen’s Association, International Longshore and Warehouse Union, Alliance du St-Laurent, Canadian Union of Public Employees- Dockers, United Steelworkers, Canadian Labour Congress, Teamsters Canada, International Transport Workers’ Federation, European Transport Workers’ Federation, BC Ferry and Marine Workers Union, International Association of Machinists, Maritime Union of Australia, AFL- CIO Maritime Trades Department, Canadian Maritime Workers’ Council, Canadian Merchant Service Guild, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers Seaway Task Force.
For more information please contact:
Verena Garofalo
Director, Marketing & Public Relations
Seafarers’ International Union of Canada
T: 1-514-830-7391
To the Harper Government: “Release the Text of the CETA Agreement”
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