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ITF helps people of Gaza


Condemning the Israeli airstrikes into Gaza as a disproportionate response – that is leading to daily civilian deaths – to the Hamas rocket attacks into Israel, ITF president Paddy Crumlin stated: “We strongly condemn the strikes by the Israeli military which are being launched into one of the most densely populated areas in the world. We call for the urgent implementation of the UN Security Council’s call for an immediate ceasefire.”

Announcing an ITF relief programme, he continued: “We are already preparing the means to send medical supplies and equipment to Gaza as soon as this becomes practically possible. I am making an urgent call to all ITF-affiliated unions to provide financial support for a trade union humanitarian relief effort for Gaza,” Crumlin concluded.

More than 170 civilians have been killed in Gaza in six days of continuous air strikes including many children; more than 1,000 have been injured. Thousands of families have had to flee their homes. To date there have been no Israeli casualties from Hamas missiles.

The ITF’s member union the Gaza Bus Drivers’ Union has reported that the humanitarian situation in Gaza has reached crisis point. All normal transport operations are stopped and fishing boats have become victims of military strikes.

Donations to help those affected can be made as follows:

General Fund US Dollar Account
Account No: 68619219
Sort Code: 40-05-15
Swift Code: MIDLGB22
IBAN No: GB98 MIDL 4005 1568 6192 19
Account Name: International Transport Workers Federation
Donation reference GAZ-00001
See also

In 2009 a similar ITF programme delivered ambulances, food and medicine to Gaza during the attacks at that time.

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