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ITF calls for disability equality


The International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) is marked each year on 3 December. We know that unions are the voice of the workers, and it is crucial that unions are at the forefront of calling for equality for all; helping move the world forwards.

At our recent 46th Congress in Marrakech, Morocco, delegates representing transport workers from across the globe endorsed the demand for "Equality for transport workers", and passed Motion 20, calling for disability equality in the transport sector worldwide. This resolution commits to improving disability equality in transport globally, including removing barriers to the recruitment, retention and promotion of disabled workers. 

In moving the motion, Simon Weller, Assistant General Secretary of UK railway workers’ union ASLEF, underscored the need to eliminate barriers for disabled workers.

“Our disabled members deserve our respect,” said Weller. “They deserve the respect of their employers.” 

“We support the self-determination of disabled worker leaders; we research the lived experience of disabled workers and force the multinationals and companies that we have agreements with to have robust equalities assessments.”

Weller called for breaking down barriers to recruitment, retention, and promotion for disabled workers, adding that, “together with all our members, we will build that respect”. 

ITF President Paddy Crumlin punctuated the importance of expanding the work already being carried out in the ITF to improve disability equality in transport globally, describing it as “an essential part, not only in the dignity in the lives of disabled people, but for their families and communities.”

Building on this, the resolution connects to the work of the ITF Railway Workers' Section, which has been leading the federation’s efforts on disabled workers’ rights. At the ITF Railway Conference in Johannesburg in 2023, a resolution on disability equality in the railway sector set a clear path forward.

The 2023 resolution emphasised promoting the self-determination and leadership of disabled workers within ITF structures and railway workplaces globally, conducting research into the conditions of disabled workers—including those with hidden disabilities—to better understand and address inequality, advocating for the adoption of the social model of disability, and calling on multinational railway operators to implement robust equality and diversity assessments in collaboration with trade unions.

Stephen Cotton, ITF General Secretary, said: “It was inspirational to see delegates fully endorsing the call for equality for all. Trade unions have a proud history of standing up for workers’ rights, of lending to a voice to those whose voice tends not to get heard. The ITF is determined that the fight for disability equality is taken up and won.”

Things you can do on the day:

  • ITF affiliates can take part in the survey being sent out
  • Share your activities on social media channels
  • Use #DisabilityDay #IDPD and #WeMoveTheWorld as the main hashtags




 国際運輸労連 (ITF) は、今日のパレスチナ人民連帯国際デーにあたり、パレスチナ人民の平和と正義、人権と尊厳、民族自決の擁護に向けた揺るぎない決意を改めて表明している。 早急な行動の呼びかけ  ITF は改めて以下を 早急に要請する 国際人道法を全面的に尊重し、 即時かつ恒久的に停戦すること 。 人道回廊の設置と継続を含む、 妨害なき人道的アクセスの確保。 すべての人質と


 11 月 25 日(女性に対する暴力撤廃の国際デー)から 12 月 10 日(人権デー)に実施される 「ジェンダーを基にした暴力に反対する 16 日間キャンペーン」 は、女性交通運輸労働者の安全に関する労働組合の取り組み強化を呼びかけるものである。  今年の グローバルテーマは 「 10 分に 1 人の割合で女性が殺されている。女性に対する暴力をなくすために団結しよう! #NoExcuse


毎年 11 月 19 日の「世界トイレ・デー」は、世界中で衛生面の危機に取り組むための行動を喚起する機会だ。 適切なトイレ施設や衛生設備への安全なアクセスと、最も重要なこととして、必要な時にそれらの施設を利用できる必要性は、広く世界中の交通運輸労働者が強く感じている問題だ。 世界的な衛生危機は世界人口の約半数に影響を及ぼしているが、私たちの生活と経済を動かしている交通運輸労働者にとって