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ITF denounces Milei Government’s politically motivated charges against APLA’s Pablo Biro

ニュース 記者発表資料

The International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) strongly condemns the Argentine government's filing of spurious extortion charges against Pablo Biro, General Secretary of the Association of Airline Pilots (APLA). This blatant act of intimidation represents yet another provocative step in the Milei Government’s systematic attack on trade unions. 

The criminal complaint was filed by Argentina’s Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, who is spearheading the government’s current offensive against Argentina's aviation unions.  

“These charges represent another egregious attempt to silence legitimate dissent,” said ITF President Paddy Crumlin. “Pablo Biro has been targeted for his role in advocating for fair and legal union demands on behalf of pilots and Aerolíneas Argentinas. The criminalisation of this legitimate union activity sets a dangerous precedent that threatens the entire labour movement.” 

Crumlin added that this attack is not only an assault on Biro but on the fundamental rights of all workers in Argentina. 

“The right to freedom of association and collective bargaining is protected under international law. The persecution of union leaders who defend these rights is completely unacceptable. Pablo Biro’s courage and dedication in defending the rights of aviation workers through this hostile period is an inspiration to us all.” 

The ITF rejects these baseless charges and stands in full solidarity with Biro and the members of APLA. 

The Milei Government's hostility toward unions has intensified, particularly since its intentions to privatise Aerolíneas Argentinas were blocked by Congress. In response, Argentina's leading transport unions have formed a united front, launching the ‘National Transport Roundtable’ to collectively oppose the government's privatisation agenda and austerity measures. 

Stephen Cotton, ITF General Secretary, said that the government’s failure to address the wage demands of Aerolíneas Argentinas pilots, whose earnings have been severely eroded by inflation, and Milei’s broader anti-union offensive are to blame for the deepening conflict. 

“Workers are now not only fighting for wage recovery but also to protect their jobs amid mounting concerns over privatisation, potential job cuts and the weakening of labour protections under Milei’s radical policies,” said Cotton. 

“The ITF urges the Argentine government to respect workers' rights and engage in meaningful dialogue with their unions. Weaponising the judiciary to settle labour disputes is not only a violation of workers’ rights but also a threat to democracy.” 

The ITF and its affiliates worldwide will continue to closely monitor this situation and provide all necessary support to ensure that justice prevails for Pablo Biro, APLA, and all aviation workers in Argentina. 


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Photo: Sonido Gremial

About the ITF: The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) is a democratic, affiliate-led federation recognised as the world’s leading transport authority. We fight passionately to improve working lives; connecting trade unions from over 150 countries to secure rights, equality and justice for their members. We are the voice for nearly 16.5 million working women and men in the transport industry across the world. 





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