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Seafarers Abandoned in the USA: Crew Left Without Pay After Tugboat Re-flags

ニュース 記者発表資料

Four seafarers abandoned in Washington State after vessel quits US flag to evade regulations.

Four seafarers from Colombia, Panama, and Peru have been abandoned without pay on a 60-year-old tugboat in an alarming case of maritime exploitation in the USA. 

The vessel, Wycliffe, recently changed its flag to Vanuatu, enabling it to evade more stringent US labour and safety regulations, with its crew subsequently left stranded in Puget Sound, Washington.

The crew members faced dire conditions, including inadequate food, limited access to medical care, and insufficient water supplies during their onboard contract. 

The situation reflects a troubling pattern of labour rights abuses within the global maritime industry.

ITF Inspector Cyrus Donato said: “The exploitation of seafarers undermines the integrity of the entire Puget Sound Marine Transportation system. The region prides itself on its maritime heritage and depends on seafarers as a vital part of its cultural identity.”

“The vessel's owners strategically re-flagged the tugboat to Vanuatu to escape more rigorous US labour and safety standards. This cynical manoeuvre exemplifies how unscrupulous ship owners use ‘flags of convenience’ to minimise regulatory oversight and enhance profits at the expense of seafarers. 

“Worse still, in this case, legal restrictions that trap foreign seafarers onboard have effectively turned their vessel into a prison.”

The seafarers were abandoned last week and were initially scheduled for deportation by U.S. Customs and Border Protection. However, following intervention by the ITF, their departure was delayed until further wage payments were made.

“The crew is in a vulnerable position and lacks the protections typically afforded to US-based workers,” said Donato. “It is essential that they receive their complete compensation. Attempting to cut costs at the expense of the crew and then attempting to have them forcibly removed without settling their salaries is effectively a form of forced labour.”

The Wycliffe has a troubling history, with previous crews reported to have left the vessel due to safety concerns in October 2023 and May 2024. Additionally, the tugboat recently lost its tow contract with Washington State Ferries after a failed towing operation involving two retired ferries for a 34-day transit to Ecuador – where it is believed that the owner is based – for scrap.

One seafarer still aboard the vessel told the ITF: “The owner is just buying time by deceiving us. I no longer believe anything he says. We don’t know what steps to take to resolve our situation or how long it will take.”

A former crew member expressed concern about the impact on their visa status. They said: “I am worried about damage to my visa. 

“If the owner harms my visa status, I won’t be able to do any more transits in the United States for work, which could destroy my ability to support my family.”



  • The Wycliffe has the IMO Number 6605254
  • A case of abandonment logged on the IMO/ILO database is only considered resolved when the ILO receives clear advice from a member state or relevant organisation that reported the abandonment that: the totality of the crew has been successfully repatriated; the totality of all outstanding remuneration and contractual entitlements have been paid and duly received by all the crewmembers.

Media contact: Mark Dearn +44 7738 832413




 「一人に対する攻撃は全員に対する攻撃だ」 この原則は交通運輸産業の労働者を含む世界中の労働者の運動を何世代にもわたって鼓舞してきた。レズビアン、ゲイ、バイセクシュアル、トランスジェンダー、その他クィアの労働者は、労働組合運動において常に重要な役割を果たしてきたが、近年になってようやく、彼らの貢献と彼らが職場で直面している問題が認識されるようになった。  ITF はまず


 国際運輸労連 (ITF) はチリの全国鉄道旅客貨物輸送労連 (FNTF) のホセ・ ボニン委員長の死去にショックを受け、悲しみに暮れている。  ボニンは 6 月 20 日未明、列車二台の正面衝突事故の犠牲となった。銅 1,346 トンを積載した貨物列車を運転していた。  初期の報道によると、チリ国鉄 (EFE) の試運転列車と私鉄フェパサの貨物列車が衝突した。  ITF のスティーブ
ニュース 記者発表資料


紅海で発生した事件は、「便宜置籍船」の増殖を許すことの危険性を示している。 ITF マリタイム・コーディネーターの ジャクリーン・スミス – アルジャジーラ による報道。 4 月 13 日、イラン・イスラム革命防衛隊の海軍部隊が、ホルムズ海峡でポルトガル船籍のコンテナ船、 MSC アリエス号を拿捕し、乗組員を拘束した。本船はスイスに本社を置くメディタレニアン海運会社が、イスラエルの大富豪エアフ