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UK ‘Fishery Improvement Project’ tainted by forced labour abuses, human trafficking

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More than 130 migrant fishers impacted by forced labour in seafood supply chain for scampi that ends up on UK plates

The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) has successfully appealed against the false labour and human rights claims of the UK Nephrops (scampi) Fishery Improvement Project (FIP).

After months of rigorous investigation by the ITF, industry sustainability reporting platforms FishChoice and FisheryProgress have confirmed that there is a credible and public claim of forced labour and/or human trafficking connected to the FIP – which covers all UK-flagged vessels fishing for scampi in UK waters – within two years of its latest Self-Evaluation of Risk Criteria submitted on July 17, 2023.

ITF Fisheries Section Coordinator Rossen Karavatchev said: "FIPs lack direct and continuous engagement with workers, which is a fundamental requirement for Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) – which is now the widely accepted standard for ensuring the protection of rights and the environment in supply chains. 

“The current model of FIPs creates market fragmentation, excludes workers and entrenches power imbalances, ultimately undermining trade union organising and worker empowerment."

The litany of failures to protect workers’ rights in the FIP, uncovered by the ITF, includes: 

  • 62 vessels within the FIP found to employ migrant fishers without work permits for the UK, in contravention of the Nationalities and Borders Act 2022; 
  • 11 vessels reported for forcing fishers to work excessive hours and unpaid overtime, in contravention of the International Labour Organization (ILO) Work in Fishing Convention (C188);
  • 14 vessels involved in withholding or delaying workers’ wages, amounting to wage theft;
  • crew on 12 vessels subjected to abuse, including bullying and death threats.

The ITF estimates that abuses across a number of vessels – with some implicated in several categories of abuse – affected at least 138 migrant fishers working in UK waters.

ITF Fisheries Expert Chris Williams said: “The entire concept of certifying for labour issues at the fishery level is inadequate, ineffective, and risks ‘fairwashing’. What this ultimately means is that UK shoppers are completely unaware that they’re buying and consuming seafood tainted by forced labour.

“We want to see UK scampi on our plates – but we must ensure that it is both sustainable and caught by workers whose rights are respected. To do that, we must end superficial sourcing requirements like FIPs and introduce collective bargaining agreements, Human Rights Due Diligence and other binding agreements with genuine worker representation.”

The ITF believes that this case highlights that FIPs cannot be viewed as providing credible assurances that there are no labour or human rights violations in a fishery and, more broadly, that voluntary measures do not protect workers in the UK fishing industry. 



Media contact:  Mark Dearn +44 7738 832 413   



The ITF’s key findings from analysis of the UK scampi FIP:

  • Illegal Employment Practices: 62 vessels within the FIP were found to employ migrant fishers without work permits for the UK, in contravention of the Nationalities and Borders Act 2022.
  • Excessive Work Hours and Unpaid Overtime: 11 vessels were reported for forcing fishers to work excessive hours and unpaid overtime, in contravention of the International Labour Organization (ILO) Work in Fishing Convention (C188).
  • Wage Theft: 14 vessels were involved in withholding or delaying workers' wages, amounting to wage theft.
  • Illegal Work Agreements: 13 vessels failed to comply with ILO C188 by using illegal employment contracts (fishermen’s work agreements).
  • Denied Medical Care: Four vessels failed to report accidents and denied medical care to injured fishers.
  • Poor Living Conditions: Six vessels were reported for providing workers insufficient food, water, and unhygienic living conditions.
  • Violence and Retaliation: Crew on 12 vessels were involved in abuse, including bullying and death threats.
  • Abandonment: Three vessels were reported for abandoning workers (non-payment of wages for over two months).




 「一人に対する攻撃は全員に対する攻撃だ」 この原則は交通運輸産業の労働者を含む世界中の労働者の運動を何世代にもわたって鼓舞してきた。レズビアン、ゲイ、バイセクシュアル、トランスジェンダー、その他クィアの労働者は、労働組合運動において常に重要な役割を果たしてきたが、近年になってようやく、彼らの貢献と彼らが職場で直面している問題が認識されるようになった。  ITF はまず


 国際運輸労連 (ITF) はチリの全国鉄道旅客貨物輸送労連 (FNTF) のホセ・ ボニン委員長の死去にショックを受け、悲しみに暮れている。  ボニンは 6 月 20 日未明、列車二台の正面衝突事故の犠牲となった。銅 1,346 トンを積載した貨物列車を運転していた。  初期の報道によると、チリ国鉄 (EFE) の試運転列車と私鉄フェパサの貨物列車が衝突した。  ITF のスティーブ
ニュース 記者発表資料


紅海で発生した事件は、「便宜置籍船」の増殖を許すことの危険性を示している。 ITF マリタイム・コーディネーターの ジャクリーン・スミス – アルジャジーラ による報道。 4 月 13 日、イラン・イスラム革命防衛隊の海軍部隊が、ホルムズ海峡でポルトガル船籍のコンテナ船、 MSC アリエス号を拿捕し、乗組員を拘束した。本船はスイスに本社を置くメディタレニアン海運会社が、イスラエルの大富豪エアフ