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Ukrainian seafarers: at the ready for safe navigation

ニュース 17 Jul 2024

Maritime industry representatives came together at ITF House for the Ukraine Maritime Forum.

Ukrainian seafarers were top of the agenda last month as representatives from across the maritime industry came together at ITF House, in London, for an event run by the Marine Transport Workers' Trade Union of Ukraine (MTWTU). 

At the Ukraine Maritime Forum – held on June 14, and supported by the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) and the State Service for Maritime, Inland Waterway Transport and Shipping of Ukraine – representatives of leading shipowners and their associations, maritime educational institutions, seafarers' unions and charitable organisations, were joined by officials from the International Maritime Organization (IMO), permanent representatives of a number of states at the IMO, the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the ITF.

The Forum offered a vision of Ukraine's future sustainable development as a key provider of highly qualified, motivated, and talented maritime professionals and a future-oriented maritime economy open to investment in maritime education, research and development, and maritime digital technologies.

Opening the meeting, ILO Director-General, Gilbert F. Hongbo, delivered a heartfelt address to attendees. He called for international solidarity and support for Ukraine, emphasising the importance of unity and expressing deep concern for workers and communities affected by the ongoing conflict.

IMO Secretary-General Arsenio Dominguez expressed his strong support for all seafarers, including those from Ukraine. 

"I continue to be inspired by the dedication and resilience of seafarers,” he said. “Their work is crucial for the global economy, and it is imperative that we continue to promote their rights and wellbeing.

"Without seafarers, there is no shipping, there is no shopping. I urge everyone to join our campaign to support seafarers and recognise their indispensable role in our daily lives."

Meeting photo

MTWTU, an ITF affiliate, signed a Memorandum of Cooperation at the event with the State Service for Maritime, Inland Waterway Transport and Shipping of Ukraine. It confirms a joint effort and partnership to protect Ukrainian maritime transport workers’ labour rights, and to develop opportunities for Ukraine’s future seafarers to acquire professional qualifications that meet the current and future requirements of international conventions in merchant shipping. It also provides for special attention in assisting Ukrainian seafarers who encounter crises – ranging from traversing war zones to maintaining mental health – while working on merchant ships.

"The Memorandum is an important step forward for the entire maritime industry of Ukraine, emphasising the readiness of government agencies and trade unions to work together to achieve common goals and ensure decent working conditions for every seafarer," said Oleg Grygoriuk, MTWTU Chairman.

"Ukrainians risk their lives every day working to ensure the food security of the global community,” said Yevhenii Ihnatenko, Head of the State Service for Maritime, Inland Waterway Transport and Shipping of Ukraine.

“I believe that qualified Ukrainian seafarers are a "win-win" strategy for everyone. In this way, the resources and potential of maritime nations will be used effectively.”

The Forum also included panel discussions covering topics including the impact of the war in Ukraine on shipping and the wellbeing of Ukrainian seafarers and their families. A new website championing Ukrainian seafarers was also launched at the event.

"This Forum has provided an important discussion on how we can protect our industry and secure Ukraine's future in the wake of this terrible conflict,” Stephen Cotton, ITF Secretary-General, said. 

“Our support goes out to all our friends in Ukraine who have shown incredible bravery. The contribution of Ukrainian seafarers deserves our respect and recognition."




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