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LAN and TAM airline union leaders and company representatives to meet with Peru’s Ministry of Labour

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LAN and TAM airline union leaders from Argentina, Peru and Chile will be meeting in Lima, Peru today, in an effort to convince the company to provide decent working conditions for workers in the LATAM Aviation Group.
A meeting will be held today, 24 June, at Peru’s Ministry of Labour with representatives of the company and the leadership of the Peruvian mechanics’ union. The purpose of the meeting is to attempt to resolve the unfair labour conditions within the company and prevent the legally-sanctioned strike of LAN Peru that is scheduled to begin on 26 June.
Union leaders from throughout South America will be present at the Ministry of Labour, showing their support. Dina Feller, the international coordinator of the ITF LATAM Network, will be leading the delegation, which will include union leaders from Argentina and Chile.
LAN and TAM airline unions will continue to take lawful solidarity action this week in Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Argentina in support of strikes by LAN Peru mechanics and LAN Argentina flight attendants. Aviation labour conditions have an impact on the quality of life of workers and potentially the high standards of service on flights.
LAN Peru mechanics
 On 26 and 27 June, a planned strike of the Peruvian mechanics’ union (SITALANPE), which represents 70 percent of the workforce, is likely to affect flights in the country and the region. Licensed aviation mechanics are required to certify all aircraft.
LAN Argentina cabin crew
 In Argentina, cabin crew have repeatedly suffered delays to their collective rights. Since 2005, when the company began operations in Argentina, LAN has refused to sign a collective agreement to regulate cabin crew working conditions.
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For more details please contact:
Dina Feller, coordinator of the ITF LATAM Network. Tel: +54
  911 63030725. Email:
Oscar Angosto, secretary general, SITALANPE. Tel: +51 987 608
Juan Carlos Talavera, press secretary SITALANPE. Tel: + 51 949
  311 294
Natalia Fontana, press secretary, Asociación Argentina de Aeronavegantes.
  Tel: +54 91133220492
Esteban Restrepo, vice president, Asociación Colombiana de Auxiliares
  de Vuelo. Tel: + 57 300 5282229
Dario Castillo, president, Sindicato de Mantenimiento LAN Chile.
  Tel: +56 97807 1060
Sergio Mercau, press secretary, Asociación del Personal Aeronáutico
  Tel: +54 911 44466730
Sam Dawson, ITF communications, London. Tel: +44 (0)20 7940 9260. Email:

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