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ITF President Paddy Crumlin joins 'The Dockast'

ニュース 13 Apr 2022

In the second episode of the ITF Young Dockers’ podcast series The Dockast, hosts Nick Loridan (ABBV-BTB Belgium) and Viri Gomez (ILWU Canada) catch up with MUA National Secretary, ITF Dockers’ Section Chair, and ITF President, Paddy Crumlin.

They discuss a life dedicated to trade unionism, workers’ rights and the current challenges facing dockers and transport workers in a world characterised by supply chain crunches, automated ports and nations at war.

Paddy gives an inspiring insight into the struggles and campaigns that led him from his life in the 1970s surfing his days away as a rank-and-file seafarer, to being elected president of the most influential global union federation in the world.

As always, Paddy blends his usual humour and working-class politics with a forensic analysis and explanation of what needs to be done by all of us, to secure a just and sustainable future for working people.

If you want to be part of the change, or just be inspired then fill your boots with Paddy’s wit and wisdom and listen to this episode of The Dockast.

Like and subscribe with Apple and Spotify below, comrades ✊ 🚩 🏗 ⤵️: 


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