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Benito Bahena y Lome


It is with great sadness that the ITF reports the death of Benito Bahena y Lome, general secretary of the Alianza de Tranviarios de México, member of the ITF Executive Board and Vice Chair of the Road Transport Regional Committee. The ITF sends its deepest sympathies and condolences to his family, and to his many comrades and friends around the world.

A tireless campaigner for labour and human rights, and a lifelong activist in the trade union movement, Benito played a pivotal role in the major events and negotiations that achieved significant advancements for transport workers in his country and region. Benito was instrumental in securing Mexico City as the location for the ITF’s 42nd Congress in 2010, hosted by his union and the first to be held in Latin America: a turning point in the ITF’s history. The last day brought international leaders and delegates together with Mexican working men and women in a powerful demonstration of solidarity with the global fight for peace and justice, to which Benito dedicated his life.

As one of the longest serving senior leaders of the Latin American and Caribbean regions, Benito was a committed and constant advocate, involved in every major ITF initiative, campaign and action. He had a well-deserved reputation for being an articulate speaker and a skilled diplomat, and will always be remembered for the warmth, intelligence and compassion with which he approached his work.

In addition to his leadership of the ATM and positions within the ITF, Benito’s advocacy for workers’ rights extended to numerous civic and professional roles. Benito’s passing is a huge loss that will be felt not only at the ITF but widely across the international labour movement.

Letters of condolence should be sent to

We mourn the loss of our comrade, friend and leader, now at peace. Gracias, Benito!




 国際運輸労連 (ITF) は 29 日にワシントン D.C. 近郊で発生した、アメリカン航空 5342 便として運航されていた PSA 航空旅客機と米軍ヘリコプターの衝突事故にショックを受けるとともに、悲しみに暮れている。   旅客機には ITF に加盟する客室乗務員組合( AFA-CWA )と定期航空操縦士協会( ALPA )の組合員が乗務していた。 ITF は生存者の可能性に希望を抱きつつ
ニュース 記者発表資料


国際運輸労連(ITF)は、数百万人の市民に計り知れない死と苦しみを与えてきた15カ月にわたる壊滅的な戦争を終結させることになるハマスとイスラエルの停戦合意の発表を歓迎する。 この合意により、殺りくに終止符が打たれ、人命を救う人道支援が妨げられることなく迅速にガザに届けられ、引き離された家族が再会でき、破壊されたものを再建する厳しい道のり開始する可能性が直ちに提供された。

韓国の交通運輸労働者、民主主義と 安全な労働条件を求めてスト

韓国の運輸・公共部門の労働者 2 万人が、政府の行動に抗議し、労働条件の改善を求めてストライキ集会を開催している。 12 月 7 日(土)、交通運輸と公共部門で働く韓国公共運輸労連 (KPTU) の組合員が国会前に集結し、政府に抗議し、尹錫悦(ユン・ソンニョル)大統領の弾劾を求める合同ストライキ集会を開催した。 12 月 3 日に大統領が突如、戒厳令を発布し、政治活動や市民の自由