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Everett Cummings

ニュース 21 Jul 2018

It is with great sadness that the ITF sends our deepest sympathies and condolences together with our sincerest solidarity to the family and friends of ILWU Brother Everett Cummings, killed in a tragic incident at Fraser Surrey Docks on the morning of Saturday July 21, 2018.  

Again, a worker, a parent and a partner, left home to go and earn a living and never returned due to a workplace tragedy. The ITF and MUA families wish that Everett’s family, particularly his three boys, know that they are in the forefront of our thoughts and prayers. We hope this may bring some small easing to your pain at this tragic and difficult time.

Sisters and brothers, we must take action that holds companies accountable for workplace health and safety. At the same time we must demand that governments take stronger actions against companies that have been proven to be negligent. 

The loss of our brother and comrade Everett must continue to drive our determination and commitment to a safer workplace in his name, and on behalf of dockers and their families everywhere. In that way Everett will always remain with us.

The start of this process must be the willingness of management must have open and honest consultation with workers and their unions, and act to eliminate workplace Health and Safety risks.

The recently formed ITF Dockers Occupational Safety and Health Working Group, which ILWU Canada is a member, is committed to campaigning to improve workplace Health and Safety for all dock workers.

The ITF stands in solidarity with the ILWU and unions across the globe in our struggle to ensure that every worker returns home safely after every shift.

An injury to one is an injury to all is a code that lies at the heart of our union and our lives. 

Vale Brother Cummings. Father, partner, son and friend. Proud docker and unionist. Now at rest.

Paddy Crumlin

ITF President

ITF Dockers’ Section Chair

MUA National Secretary


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