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Shrikrishna Ramchandra Kulkarni

ニュース 19 Dec 2016

ITF president pays tribute to Brother Kulkarni

It is with great sadness we have received the tragic news of Brother Kulkarni's passing. 

Please pass on my personal condolences and deepest sympathies and those of all the officers and affiliates of the ITF to his family ,comrades friends staff and colleagues, particularly from his greatly loved All India Port and Dockworkers Federation

As well as being a close friend to me , He was a great friend and supporter of many young dockworkers and industrial and progressive activists over his long militant and highly regarded and respected life. 

A ferocious and tireless defender and advocate not only for dockworkers and maritime workers , he was a true internationalist dedicated to industrial political economic human social and cultural rights based on justice equity and the belief all people are born equal and deserve that equality for their whole life's voyage

He was a true inspiration over a long life who seemed tireless in his commitment. We are heartened at this time of loss that his leadership has left a better union, better ITF , a fairer and more accountable India and the ongoing belief that in following in his footsteps we can continue to secure a fairer , more peaceful and functional world for all working women and men

Vale our old comrade Kulkarni! A fighter for peace and justice. A true friend and Brother who will be greatly missed. Now resting after a rich and rewarding life

Sincerely and in unity

Paddy Crumlin 

ITF President

Dockworkers Chair

National Secretary Maritime Union of Australia


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