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Deliveroo must act after another rider killed on the job - ITF and ETF


Romulo Sta Ana, a Filipino father of two, is the latest food delivery rider to be killed on the job.

He was killed while collecting an order in Montecatini, Italy on Saturday evening. Romulo only recently started working with Deliveroo after his work in the hotel industry dried up because of Covid-19. According to his widow, he died working a job that paid him only 15 euros a night.

Romulo’s death is the latest in a string of rider deaths across the world in recent months, highlighting failings by gig economy platforms to take responsibility for the health and safety of their workers.

“Deliveroo has seen its profits soar during the pandemic and is looking to cash-in with an IPO on the London Stock Exchange, but it is their workers who are taking all the risks,” says rider Yiftalem Parigi of Nidil – CGIL Florence, an Italian union. “Riders are under massive pressure with the piece rate system, which forces them to speed up, skip breaks and work longer hours – all while barely making minimum wage.”

Platforms like Deliveroo have failed to protect their workers throughout the pandemic. In the United Kingdom, Deliveroo’s largest market, riders received little to no support from the company according to the Independent Workers Union of Great Britain (IWGB). Distribution of PPE was said to be “inadequate” – resulting in workers having to pay out of their own pockets – and the company’s sick pay fund was inaccessible to many riders.

To add insult to injury, riders lack any job security due to their misclassification as independent contractors. They are subject to terminations without evidence or due process, despite being publicly applauded for their efforts to deliver food and essential goods.

Food delivery companies came under pressure in Australia late last year after five riders were killed in a span of two months. The Transport Workers’ Union of Australia (TWU) led a campaign to enforce robust workplace health and safety laws that provide all workers with the power to elect their own health and safety representatives, irrespective of their employment classification. Following this effort, seven Deliveroo riders were elected to ensure action is taken to support riders.

The ITF and ETF believe Deliveroo riders should be given the opportunity to elect health and safety representatives in all of the 12 countries where the company operates. Laws must be reformed immediately to ensure riders have equal access to workplace rights and protections, including access to sanitary facilities. Enabling collective bargaining at the national level is a key mechanism for promoting occupational health and safety in the gig economy.

“Platforms cannot treat key workers like they are disposable. We must recognize that the dangerous working conditions of delivery riders are directly connected to the precarious nature of gig economy work,” says Stephen Cotton, General Secretary of the ITF. “Workers who are struggling to make ends meet and who lack social protections will always be at risk.”

In November 2020 the ITF published its ten gig economy employer principles, calling for comprehensive action on health, safety and PPE, correct employment status classification, living wages, and collective bargaining rights, among other things.

“Digital labour platforms should be regulated. We must put an end to the disastrous race-to-the-bottom that has harmed far too many workers already,” says Cotton.

The ITF and ETF offer our condolences to the family of Romulo Sta Ana.




毎年 11 月 19 日の「世界トイレ・デー」は、世界中で衛生面の危機に取り組むための行動を喚起する機会だ。 適切なトイレ施設や衛生設備への安全なアクセスと、最も重要なこととして、必要な時にそれらの施設を利用できる必要性は、広く世界中の交通運輸労働者が強く感じている問題だ。 世界的な衛生危機は世界人口の約半数に影響を及ぼしているが、私たちの生活と経済を動かしている交通運輸労働者にとって


マラケシュで開催された2024年ITF世界大会の歴史的最終セッションでは、全世界の交通運輸労組の揺るぎない決意を再確認し、今後5年間のITF戦略を策定する重要な動議を採択し、役員の選出も行った。 労働者の力を高め、搾取と分断を進める勢力に対抗することに明確な焦点を当てた今大会は、激動の増す世界において、正義、平等、連帯のテーマを定め、譲ることのできない一線を明確にした。その中心にあるのは


 ITF は本日ストを決行するアルゼンチンの交通運輸労働者に連帯を送る。  アルゼンチンの交通運輸労組は、ハビエル・ミレイ大統領の労働者に対する攻撃(緊縮財政、スト権に対する攻撃、反労組の政策等)に抗議している。  ミレイ政権は、投資家に減税を施し、大企業に迎合する一方、国営のアルゼンチン航空を民営化して、補助金を撤廃しようとしている。  これまで