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Next instalment in Pathway to congress: countdown on for Arab World regional conference


Over 200 participants from across the region will meet in Tunis from 13-16 February – the conference kicks off with a day focused on building strategy for increased engagement of women workers and young transport workers in union activity in the Arab World.

Arab World regional secretary Bilal Malkawi said: “Participants from the region have been following reports and developments from Pathway to congress conferences so far and now it’s our turn to be in the spotlight.

Coming together to look at our progress in priority areas since 2014 congress in Sofia, building on our successes, recognising and finding ways to deal with our challenges, and understanding how we fit in to the global ITF agenda – those are the reasons for this conference.

“We’re looking for a huge amount of engagement from participants but also from those outside the room, in the Arab World and beyond.”

There will be live reporting throughout the conference via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The Pathway to congress hashtag #WeAreITF will be used across all platforms so followers can easily search for content from the conference. Pathway to congress reports, pictures and films have already been viewed more than 3 million times on social media.

Among items on the agenda are on-going support for transport workers in Palestine, developments in the ITF Qatar Airways campaign, the future of work in the region and the impact of the Arab Spring on trade union rights.






労働党政権による鉄道再国営化の決定は、民営化という世界的な潮流からの重要かつ歓迎すべき転換である。再国営化は「第 4 次鉄道パッケージ」等の EU 指令に組み込まれた EU の政策アジェンダとの決裂をも意味する。  この政策転換は、 ITF 加盟鉄道労組-全英鉄道海事交運労組( RMT )、機関車技師・機関助手協会( ASLEF )、交通運輸従業員組合( TSSA )-


国際運輸労連(ITF)は国際女性デーを迎えるにあたり、女性が交通運輸、組合、意思決定のいずれの場においても、その一員であることを再確認する。 ITFは昨年の大会で、ITF女性委員会25周年を祝った。この25年で得た学びと知恵を活かしながら、ITFは前進を続ける。これまでに築かれた強固な基盤の上に、次の25年、そしてその先に向けて、世界中の女性交通運輸労働者の権利を向上させる決意を新たにする。