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Arab World Regional Conference 2017

ニュース 16 Jan 2017

The ITF Arab World Regional Conference will be held from 13 – 16 February 2017, in Tunisia at:

Le Palace Hotel
Complexe Cap Gammarth,
Route Express de Gamarth,
Marsa 86 2078, Tunisia
Tel: +216 71 912 000

Image removed.

Sisters and brothers, on behalf of your global ITF family of over 5 million transport workers from 150 countries worldwide; it gives me huge pleasure to welcome you to the conference here in Tunis.

The strength and power of transport unions in the Arab World is vital; not only for those of you based here but for your sisters and brothers fighting for members’ interests across the globe.

This conference comes at a crucial time. We are on the Pathway to Congress 2018 and each sectoral and regional conference must serve to strengthen our collective identity. We need our leaders of today and tomorrow scrutinising and setting firm plans within the ITF-wide strategy to build transport workers’ power. You – our affiliates - must own and lead our work. Young workers must be central in our plans. Women transport workers and their issues must be embedded in all our structures and projects.

To conference delegates and to those following remotely, you are the ITF. We hope you leave the conference inspired and engaged, with clear direction on how you can continue to deliver for your members and transport workers everywhere.

Have a great conference.


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Dear activists, sisters and brothers transport workers in the Arab World, members of the ITF.

I greet every one of you at his work place; and offer you and all the activists across the Arab World from the Atlantic Ocean to the Gulf Region my appreciation for your efforts in one of the most important economic areas globally. As you know, the ITF as a global democratic organization is holding its regional conferences in preparation for its Congress.

ITF Arab world regional conference will be held from 13-16 of February 2017, in Tunis, the capital of the Republic of Tunisia. Concerning the decision of choosing Tunisia to be the place of holding this important event, as we all remember that Tunisia is the capital of the revolution as well the starting point of all Arab revolutions.

In addition to the fact that the Tunisian General Labor Union with its organizations, members and affiliated unions sets the best example to lead workers and people for peace and stability at a time when security has become more important than food, and this union, which culminated its innovative effort in being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for the year 2016, deserves to be honored from the ITF and from the transport workers in Arab World and the whole world, in the presence of such a great gathering of Arab and international trade unionists.

So the choice was based on the great history of this great country, and the distinctive civilization that Tunisian people contributed throughout the ages is not only transferred to Tunisia, but also to the north, south, east and west.

Hundreds of activists and leaders from around the world, in addition to guests from international organizations attend this conference to witness the developments of trade unions action in the transport sector in Arab world, particularly that the ITF membership which is witnessing an increase to reach nearly 200,000 members representing various transport sectors.

This is a welcoming letter for everybody, as well to inform our members of the convene of this important conference that is being held every four years to discuss all previous accomplishments, and to agree on the future of the work for the next period, and how to confront challenges together, arm by arm, for a better future for the Arab transport workers, and the role of this region as an integral part globally.

Looking forward to seeing you all, and wishing you a successful conference!

Visit the ITF Arab World page on Facebook to follow the latest news and updates about the conference.

Visit Arab World website at

In solidarity

Bilal Malkawi

Regional Secretary

ITF Arab World

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