Affiliated unions RMT and Unite both have ongoing industrial action over the Christmas period as they continue to push - as do thousands of unions globally - for better jobs, pay, pensions and safety at work.
General secretary of the ITF Steve Cotton said: “The media are calling the industrial action going on this Christmas a ‘strike wave’ with phrases like ‘travel chaos’ and ‘the winter of discontent’ being bandied around. But let’s look at what this is really about, a workforce that’s being pushed further and further, a country where terms and conditions are being eroded, where rates of pay are being cut, where safety isn't always the priority it should be for employers. So what is that workforce doing now? Pushing back and saying actually, collectively we’re strong and we deserve to go to work for a decent wage, in a safe environment and not to be worried every day about our job security.
“Len McCluskey from Unite was absolutely right when he said earlier this week that workers don't want to go on strike, it’s a last resort and instead of demonising those people the government should be looking at why industrial relations break down and for positive ways to resolve disputes.
“These transport workers are sending a strong message this christmas and every working woman and man can do the same, not just in the UK but all over the world, by joining a trade union.”
What industrial action is happening in the UK transport sector?
RMT Southern Railway conductors over safety on the railways
4,500 Unite British Airways cabin crew members based at Heathrow
Virgin Atlantic pilots over union representation
We’re also showing support for our union colleagues in CWU who have 4000 post office workers on strike over job security.
How can you support?
Get more info: find out more about the disputes via
Use social media: Facebook and tweet your support @RMTunion #SouthRail #SouthernFail @unitetheunion @CWUnews #peoplespost Tag the ITF too so we can share @ITFglobal on Facebook and @ITFglobalunion on twitter #WeAreITF
Tell the media: send your views to the BBC which has also been calling for readers’ opinions on the “Strike Wave”. Email:
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