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Injured union leader condemns Turkish bombings and demands justice


Ugur Yaman is still in hospital but his situation is not critical and doctors say he might be sent home soon. He said that 14 of the more than 100 people killed at the start of a peace demonstration were BTS officials and activists, including a nine-year-old boy and his father, and that a further 19 BTS members were injured.

In a joint message with general secretary Ishak Kocabryik ahead of Turkey’s elections on 1 November, Yaman offered condolences to the bereaved families and wrote: “Our demonstration for peace democracy and labour…was attacked before it started. The organising committee obtained all necessary permission for the demonstration…therefore, the security and safety of demonstration are under the responsibility of the state.

“The political authority aims to maintain majority power and is ready to do everything, even beyond Machiavellism, in this regard. This bombing shows that the political authority does not aim to investigate the attack, find out those who are responsible, but to play with time and mislead the direction of any investigation. Blocking ambulances, which were coming to save the lives of people, and using tear gas are the clearest examples of this policy.”

In a message read out at the funeral of the BTS victims - see - on 12 October, ITF general secretary Steve Cotton commented that the attacks targeted what was best about Turkey, and some of its most idealistic and motivated people. He said the global union movement called for a full and transparent investigation in order to bring the perpetrators to justice and offered heartfelt solidarity to the bereaved and injured.

At the invite of Turkish community organisation Daymer, the ITF participated in a joint union/community event at Congress House in London on 12 October to protest at the Ankara bombings and demonstrate that progressive voices would not be silenced by violence.

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韓国の交通運輸労働者、民主主義と 安全な労働条件を求めてスト

韓国の運輸・公共部門の労働者 2 万人が、政府の行動に抗議し、労働条件の改善を求めてストライキ集会を開催している。 12 月 7 日(土)、交通運輸と公共部門で働く韓国公共運輸労連 (KPTU) の組合員が国会前に集結し、政府に抗議し、尹錫悦(ユン・ソンニョル)大統領の弾劾を求める合同ストライキ集会を開催した。 12 月 3 日に大統領が突如、戒厳令を発布し、政治活動や市民の自由


国際運輸労連 (ITF) は、韓国で違法に戒厳令を施行しようとした尹錫悦(ユン・ソンニョル)大統領の試みを強く非難する。 ITF に連なる 1,650 万人の交通運輸労働者は、民主主義を守るための闘いを続けている韓国の労働者に揺るぎない連帯を示している。 ユン大統領による火曜日の違法な戒厳令の発令に、世界は衝撃を隠せない。ユン大統領は、 1980 年代の軍事独裁政権を彷彿とさせる言葉を使い


 国際運輸労連 (ITF) は、今日のパレスチナ人民連帯国際デーにあたり、パレスチナ人民の平和と正義、人権と尊厳、民族自決の擁護に向けた揺るぎない決意を改めて表明している。 早急な行動の呼びかけ  ITF は改めて以下を 早急に要請する 国際人道法を全面的に尊重し、 即時かつ恒久的に停戦すること 。 人道回廊の設置と継続を含む、 妨害なき人道的アクセスの確保。 すべての人質と