A photo opportunity will be staged this Friday 15 February outside the main (Strand) entrance of Somerset House, London WC2R 1LA, the central venue for this year’s London Fashion Week. Models dressed in high fashion clothes crafted out of packaging materials, and made up to match, will parade outside to challenge the involvement of DHL as a major sponsor of the show and its official logistics provider.
They, plus officials from global union federations the ITF and UNI Global Union (who will be available for interview), will be there throughout the day from 09:15 onwards. Press attending the official LFW press conference at 09:30 are invited to stop and find out more.
You will be sent a full press release on Thursday, giving more details.
The ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) and UNI have an ongoing campaign to hold Deutsche Post DHL to account over abuses of workers’ rights in several countries in which it operates. For more details see www.respectatdhl.org
For more details please contact
Sam Dawson, ITF press officer. Tel: +44 (0)20 7940 9260. Mobile: 07850 736146. Email: dawson_sam@itf.org.uk
Richard Elliott, UNI communications director. Tel: +41 79 794 9709. Email: Richard.elliott@uniglobalunion.org
Photo opportunity Friday: protest at London Fashion week
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