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ITF Solidarity Statement with US affiliates

NACHRICHTEN Presseerklärung

This decision, which overturned 40 years of judicial precedent, is yet another vicious attack on the rights of unions and workers by corporations. ITF affiliates around the world stand in solidarity with all American public sector employees, in particular public transit workers who keep cities moving every day. An injury to one is an injury to all!

Despite the legal obstacles, we know that our US affiliates will continue to build their unions and campaign for the rights of public transit workers. Together in the ITF, we will build our collective strength for Our Public Transport. We will never stop fighting for public transit that provides decent jobs and conditions for workers. And we will never stop fighting for trade union rights and representation. We believe that public transit and other public services must be run in the interests of society, and not in the interests of a small unrepresentative elite.

“Labour unions will not be defined by a court case. Despite the disappointing ruling in Janus v. AFSCME by the United States Supreme Court, grassroots organising on work-based issues, with the goal to improve the lives of workers, will remain the focus of the trade union movement. Recent mobilisation of American workers and growth in trade union membership has been an inspiration for unions everywhere. Tens and thousands of workers have shown their support by joining and forming unions in recent months. We have seen the determination to fight and grow! The ITF will continue to stand by its affiliates in the United States to ensure that workers’ and trade union rights are respected”. Stephen Cotton, ITF General Secretary