They are the latest stage of a process begun via initial discussions between the Ministry and the ITF in 2016.
In the latest meeting, held at the ITF’s headquarters in London, both parties discussed effective ways and means that workers’ complaints can be safely aired and addressed. Both parties stated that their cooperation is based on a shared belief that the respect of international labour standards can help foster a positive working environment for transport workers.
The discussion also noted the negative impact of the closed airspace in the region caused by the current political dispute with a number of nearby states, with both parties expressing their hopes that a rational solution would be found to that dispute.
Both parties closed by agreeing to set up a joint working group to oversee the implementation of their common objectives, and to facilitate ongoing constructive dialogue. This will meet before the end of this year.
ITF and Qatari government continue talks with aim of safeguarding transport workers’ rights
ITF begrüsst Waffenstillstandsabkommen und fordert seine strikte Einhaltung und Schritte zu dauerhaftem Frieden
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Südkoreanische Verkehrsbeschäftigte streiken für Demokratie und sichere Arbeitsbedingungen
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ITF fordert Arbeitnehmer*innenrechte und Demokratie in Südkorea
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