ITF general secretary Steve Cotton commented: “Kimberly came to the Trust at the end of 2014, after having worked for a number of years as director and programme officer of the TK Foundation and as a consultant to maritime charities.
“During her time as head of the Trust, she has modernised and revitalised it. Her knowledge of, and passion for the maritime industry and seafarers in particular, has made the Trust more proactive in its grant-making by supporting projects that benefit maritime workers, their families and maritime communities in general. Her presentations have challenged and inspired many industry players to work towards improving the lives of seafarers wherever they are in the world.”
He continued: “The Trust is extremely grateful for the work and effort she has dedicated to the organisation and, although it is sad that she has chosen to resign, the Trust is very pleased that she has agreed to be a consultant for it and continue the good work of the Trust along with the new acting head, Tomas Abrahamsson.
He concluded: “Tomas was an elected officer of the Swedish union SEKO for many years and has also been a board member of the Swedish non-profit organisation ‘Union to Union’, which cooperates and supports trade union organisation globally in promoting decent work, democracy, fair distribution of resources and sustainable development.”
For more about the work of the ITF Seafarers’ Trust see, and follow it on Facebook at and on Twitter at
ITF Seafarers’ Trust head takes up consultancy role
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