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Visión y resoluciones del Congreso, 2024-2029

Report Published

We set out our 2024-2029 vision for ‘Transport Workers Moving the World Forward’. These are our demands and strategy to transform the transport industry, to create a safer, fairer and more sustainable economy and society for all. We believe in a world of social, economic and environmental justice; where all workers are treated equally – with dignity and respect; where everyone can work in a safe environment free from fear and discrimination; and where every worker is paid a wage that recognises their crucial role in society as the drivers of economic wealth and prosperity.

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Guía sindical sobre la OACI

Les damos la bienvenida a la segunda edición de la guía de la Federación Internacional de los Trabajadores del Transporte (ITF) sobre la Organización de Aviación Civil Internacional (OACI). La guía