The ITF today launched the new congress 2014 website, the latest in a series of ground-breaking websites designed to put affiliates at the heart of the ITF by making it easier to have a direct say in the work-planning process.
The new congress website follows hot on the heels of the women’s conference website, which was launched earlier this week, and the widely-lauded regional conference websites, which ran throughout the 2013 conference season. The congress website is available in seven languages initially.
The congress website will be a handy way for delegates to stay up to date with the latest congress information – whether that’s practical tips on applying for visas, thought-provoking online debates, or registering for congress. Further functionality will be revealed throughout next year, and all affiliates are urged to keep visiting the website for news, information, and to use their voices – whether they will attend congress or not.
ITF acting general secretary Steve Cotton said: “From our experiences with the regional websites, we know that our affiliates want their voices to be heard, and want to be able to directly shape the future of their ITF. I call on all members of all ITF affiliate unions globally to step up, use their voices, and use this important tool to have their say directly in the future direction of the ITF.”
Check out the website today at
Don’t forget to visit the women’s conference site, too –
There’s still time to see the regional conference websites:
ITF congress: dynamic, engaging, online
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