ITF representatives were part of an international delegation which traveled to Sweden this week to deliver a verdict on the reported anti-union behaviour of Ikea Canada in the on-going dispute at Swedish retail giant IKEA’s Richmond, British Columbia, store.
The ITF was joined by UNI global union and US affiliate union the Teamsters, to highlight the findings of the report, How IKEA is hurting families: Report on the IKEA lockout in Richmond, British Columbia, Canada.
The report, compiled following a fact-finding trip to Canada in November, calls on IKEA Canada to end its lockout of workers and return to the bargaining table in good faith immediately.
The dispute was featured on Swedish television station SVT during it’s Rapport programme on Wednesday 11 December. Watch the clip here >>
Erin van der Maas who was part of the fact-finding mission for the ITF said: “This dispute is very sad. After many years of demonstrating a real commitment to worker welfare and engagement with trade unions in a constructive way IKEA Canada are destroying a reputation that has taken decades to establish. IKEA Canada is not only acting in contravention of IKEA global values and international norms but their behaviour also is beyond the norms and values of Canadian industrial relations. They seem to be determined to demonstrate worst practices in a location where they were once keen to be seen as one of the best practitioner.”
The report also calls on IKEA Canada to end its support of anti-union organisation, Labour Watch, and ensure its legal counsel follows the global standards of IKEA. Around 2010, IKEA changed its outside legal counsel to anti-union law firm Fasken Martineau. IKEA workers and the local union identify this change in legal counsel as the key driver of the new, divisive, management approach to labour relations.
Finally, the report calls on IKEA to set a new voluntary standard for its employees in Canada and worldwide, by engaging with UNI Global toward a Global Framework Agreement, ensuring a common application of IKEA values.
Alke Boessiger, Head of UNI Commerce Global Union remarked that the conflict presented a serious reputational risk for the company which may turn shoppers away.
"IKEA acts as a responsible company in Sweden and has given itself high standards and principles for respect for worker rights. But once again the company has been caught in serious allegations of union busting and bargaining in bad faith. IKEA has to get a grip on what is happening in Canada. These allegations are serious and IKEA which promotes itself as good employer must take action."
"We want a good global standard for all IKEA workplaces, including Canada. We demand that IKEA management promote best practices globally and to eradicate bad practices that still exist.”
Get more on the dispute:
ITF puts IKEA Canada’s anti-union behaviour under the spotlight
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بيان الـITF حول حادث تصادم رحلة شركة طيران PSA رقم 5342
يُعرب الاتحاد الدولي لعمال النقل (ITF) عن صدمته وحزنه العميق إزاء حادث التصادم الجوي المأساوي الذي وقع في وقت مبكر من صباح اليوم بالقرب من واشنطن العاصمة، بين رحلة الخطوط الجوية الأمريكية رقم 5342
بيان صحفي
الـITF يرحب باتفاق وقف إطلاق النار ويدعو الالتزام بتفيذه واتخاذ خطوات نحو السلام المستدام
يرحب الاتحاد الدولي لعمال النقل (ITF) بالإعلان عن اتفاق وقف إطلاق النار بين حماس وإسرائيل، والذي يضع حداً للحرب المدمرة التي استمرت 15 شهراً وتسببت في خسارة فادحة للأرواح ومعاناة لا توصف لملايين
إضراب عمال النقل في كوريا الجنوبية من أجل الديمقراطية وظروف العمل الآمنة
عشرون ألفاً من عمال النقل و القطاع العام في كوريا الجنوبية يُنظّمون مسيرات إضرابية احتجاجاً على الإجراءات الحكومية ويطالبون بتحسين ظروف العمل. تجمع أعضاء اتحاد عمال النقل والخدمات العامة الكورية (KPTU