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ITF-FRN Thailand National Fisher Condition Survey Results

Report Published

A comprehensive national survey by the International Transport Workers’ Federation’s Fishers Rights Network (ITF-FRN) of more than one thousand (1,000) migrant fishers in Thailand in November and December of 2023 details disturbing findings regarding working conditions in the Thai fishing industry. Survey results reveal an industry where fishers are rarely paid on time according to Thai labor law, identity documents are held by employers, most fishers arrive to Thailand in severe debt bondage, do not have a copy of their employment contract, and face violent reprisals for reporting labor abuse or health and safety violations.

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Visão e resoluções do Congresso, 2024-2029

Definimos aqui a nossa visão para 2024-2029, sob o lema “Trabalhadoras e trabalhadores em transportes fazendo o mundo avançar”. Essas são as nossas exigências e estratégias para transformar o setor de


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