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Young Workers in Transport: Decent Work, Just Transition and Union Rights

Report Published

This report examines the main challenges faced by young workers in the global transport sector and the ways in which these challenges could be mitigated. It covers the challenges related to issues such as informal employment status, migration background, lack of access to decent work, the impacts of COVID-19, issues around freedom of association and access to collective bargaining and child and forced labour. It also looks at the challenges for young people that are related to gender-based violence and harassment, issues around the enforcement and monitoring of labour rights, and the challenges posed by climate change.

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Visão e resoluções do Congresso, 2024-2029

Definimos aqui a nossa visão para 2024-2029, sob o lema “Trabalhadoras e trabalhadores em transportes fazendo o mundo avançar”. Essas são as nossas exigências e estratégias para transformar o setor de


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