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Posters - Task Force 10-point Action Plan to Achieve a Just Transition for Seafarers (2022)

Report Published

<p>Global shipping urgently needs to decarbonise. The world is facing a climate emergency. Urgent action is needed to limit global warming to 1.5C or we will face disastrous consequences.<br /><br />
The world’s 1.89 million seafarers are key to powering this industry through a successful transition.<br /><br />
The Maritime Just Transition Task Force was formed by seafarers' unions, shipowners and UN bodies to ensure that shipping’s response to the climate emergency puts seafarers and communities at the heart of the solution. This position paper is our joint 10-point action plan to achieve a Just Transition for seafarers.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>Source: ITF (2022)</p>

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