Commenting on the near-100 percent vote for industrial action by the members of the two ITF unions working in North Sea oil and gas, he said: “Workers for Wood Group across Shell’s North Sea oil and gas platforms have overwhelmingly spoken. The company will now have to live with the consequences. Perhaps it will now see the need to reconsider its plans to slash the pay of these offshore workers, restrict their leave and increase their work – all on top of recent harmful redundancies.”
He continued: “Wood Group has gone way too far. For their good, the good of the workers and of everyone involved in the North Sea, they must now resume talks to pull back from their proposed cuts.”
ITF president Paddy Crumlin added: “The North Sea offshore industry can be a glowing example of how to get things right. Wood Group has undermined that and brought down on its heads the justified anger of its workers. Other operators respect their staff, Wood Group must too. Those workers and their trade unions have the full lawful support of the ITF.”
ITF backs RMT and Unite action and calls on Wood Group to compromise
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