Houcine Abbassi, secrétaire général de l'Union générale tunisienne du travail (UGTT) today welcomed delegates of the International Transport Workers’ Federation who are meeting at the Hotel Royal Hammamet to discuss the need for workers’ rights in Qatar Airways.
Houcine encouraged the aviation trade unionists from Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, US, Yemen, Morocco, Romania, Spain and Bulgaria, as well as Tunisia, in their campaigning efforts.
“Workers’ rights are essential to strong companies and a strong aviation industry,” said Houcine “it is our job to fight for those rights, in unionised and non-unionised airlines.”
The participants applauded the Tunisian unions, and Abassi personally, on winning the Nobel Peace prize.
“It is an honour to be here. We appreciate the Tunisians' strong contribution to our unions’ campaigning. The International Transport Workers’ Federation’s 4.5 million members from all over the world support the Tunisian trade unions’ ongoing building of democracy. We congratulate them on their prize” said Bilal Malkawi, ITF Arab World regional secretary.
“Tunisia’s unions are an inspiring example in our region and their example has been picked up by other Arab World Federations. We are proud to be in the same family’, he added.
Tunis: Nobel prizewinner Houcine Abbassi encourages ITF trade unionists
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