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World response to Turkey solidarity call


Trade unionists around the world are mobilising today and tomorrow to call for an end to the savage violence unleashed against peaceful protesters by the Turkish government. Demonstrations outside Turkish embassies have taken place in a score of countries today, with more coming tomorrow.

Meanwhile the Global Unions – which includes organisations such as the ITF, IUF (International Union of Food Workers) and ITUC (International Trade Union Confederation) – have strongly condemned Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s actions.

In a statement – available at –  they say: ‘The Global Unions unreservedly support the international solidarity actions that start on 21-22 June.’

‘Our organisations wish to reiterate their serious concern at the repeated use of brutal and excessive measures including rubber bullets, tear gas and water cannon by government security forces against people peacefully exercising their rights.

‘Global Unions and their members believe that the right to peaceful demonstration and freedom of assembly are basic elements of genuine democracy. However, instead of respecting that right, the Erdoğan Government appears to engage in repression as a regular practice. For example, still fresh in our minds are the 2013 May Day celebrations, which turned to bloodshed after attacks on demonstrators by the security forces.’

Find out what’s happening today and tomorrow, and how you can be part of the ongoing international campaign to end the violence at and on Facebook at Photos of the will be posted at

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