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Malaviya Seven update

أخبار بيان صحفي

The move is the latest by the ITF in support of the crew of the vessel, which has been effectively abandoned in Aberdeen, Scotland by its owners, and detained by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency at the federation’s request (see

ITF inspector Liam Wilson has been assisting the crew members, who are of Indian nationality, since June last year, when a routine inspection revealed that 15 of them had gone unpaid for four months. He explained: “We’ve been helping these men since the beginning, particularly with their basic needs such as food and water, while working to recover the money that is due to them. I’d like to thank the local community and seafarers’ welfare organisations for their support too.
“We have reached a point where the only way that these men are going to get home with the money they are due is to help them arrest the ship, and we have now taken that move. We anticipate that within the next, say, 12 to 16 weeks, the ship will be sold and what is owed to them recovered from the sale price. This would replicate the experience of the Seven’s sister ship, the Malaviya Twenty, which was detained in Great Yarmouth, and where we were pleased to be able to help the crew home, with their pay, last month.” (See  
ITF UK and Ireland coordinator Ken Fleming commented: “To say that workers are owed USD666,938.03 is in itself a scandal. The owners and the Indian flag state should hang their head in shame. Equally all those that could have brought the situation to an end months ago should reflect on their inactivity,
“My organisation the ITF will now deal aggressively with the situation. Should the company or the bank not come in on record by early next week we will apply to the courts to dispose of the vessel by way of a sale to recover the crew wages. The situation will not be allowed to drag unnecessarily. “


For more information please contact:

ITF inspector Liam Wilson. Email: Tel: +44 1224 582 688. Mobile: +44 7539 171323

ITF UK and Ireland coordinator Ken Fleming. Email: Tel: +353 1 85 86 317. Mobile: +353 87 64 78636

ITF press and editorial manager Sam Dawson. Email: Tel: +44 (0) 20 7940. Mobile: (0) 7850736146


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