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Press Room

Breaking news and analysis, expert opinion and other media resources from the ITF.

The International Transport Workers’ Federation’s media team is part of a global movement, working with the world’s media to fight for workers’ rights.

Our team can assist journalists with enquiries on both international and UK issues, in multiple languages.

Media contacts
Are you a journalist? Please email for all press and media enquiries, or contact individual members of the team via phone or WhatsApp.
Rosalyn Smith Media Manager Tel: +44 7522 229623
Sian Manaz Deputy Communications Director Tel: +44 7850 736145

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红海事件说明了允许“方便旗”扩散的危险。 Jacqueline Smith ,国际运输工人联盟海事协调员 – 最初由半岛电视台发表 。 4 月 13 日,伊朗伊斯兰革命卫队海军在霍尔木兹海峡扣押了一艘挂葡萄牙船旗的 MSC Aries 号集装箱船,并拘留了船上的船员。该船由设立在瑞士的地中海航运公司运营,后者从总部位于伦敦的 Zodiac Maritime 公司租赁该船
news Press Release


国际运输工人联盟(ITF)谴责中东海运有限责任公司系统性地虐待和忽视 100 多名海员,这是有史以来最严重的连续抛弃海员的实例。 今天,ITF 呼吁阿拉伯联合酋长国政府和帕劳海事当局采取行动,结束海员们的痛苦并遵守国际海事法和人权法。 自 2022 年 11 月以来,ITF 已经报告了在孟加拉国、印度、马尔代夫和斯里兰卡的 18 艘船上发生的超过 17 起抛弃事件。 来自印度
news Press Release

ITF 将圣马力诺添加到方便旗名单

最近在圣地亚哥举行的ITF公平实践委员会会议上,国际运输工人联盟(ITF)扩大了方便旗(FOC)注册名单,将内陆国家圣马力诺纳入这一名单。圣马力诺船舶登记处于2021年7月29日正式向国际船东开放,目前拥有14艘船舶,其中11艘被指定为商船。这些商船在圣马力诺没有任何实益或注册的所有权。 ITF将方便旗船定义为悬挂其实际所有权以外国家船旗的船舶
news Press Release


国际运输工人联盟(ITF)今天谴责澳大利亚航运有限公司(SAL)一贯反对澳大利亚政府组建澳大利亚船旗战略船队的计划。 ITF全球沿海航行特别工作组主席克里斯·杰文(Chris Given)表示,SAL的立场“目光短浅,不利于澳大利亚的国家利益”。 “SAL代表了主要国际航运公司,包括长荣海运、MSC、川崎汽船、HMM、CMA CGM、马士基和赫伯罗特,似乎更关心外国跨国公司的利润
news Press Release


2023年12月4日,圣地亚哥——国际运输工人联盟(ITF)是由150个国家的700多个运输工会组成的一个民主的全球工会联盟,代表全球各地1800多万名运输工人。联盟将于本周在智利圣地亚哥举行码头工人和海员会议。 从12月4日至9日,全球最大的海事工人代表会议将有70个国家129个工会的约300名代表出席,分享行业活动,确定共同的问题并商定未来的优先事项。 ITF总裁及ITF港口部主席帕迪
news Press Release


自新冠肺炎( Covid-19 )大流行病开始以来,国际海事雇主理事会( IMEC )和国际运输工人联盟( ITF )一直密切合作,以确保海员免受新冠病毒的侵害,船员换班受到最小的干扰并得以继续。 在疫情期间,海员确保了全球供应链在受到限制的情况下继续运送货物,因此,在疫苗接种方面,必须优先考虑这些关键工人。 各国已经批准了 几种疫苗 ,更多疫苗也在获得官方授权。
About the ITF

ITF is raising the voice of workers to improve the lives of workers. The leadership, advocacy, campaigning and direct action of ITF and our affiliated unions – at country, regional and global levels – has had a significant and tangible impact on workers’ lives and futures, both improving local conditions and raising international standards.

We are a democratic, affiliate-led federation, connecting and leveraging the power of trade unions from 153 countries. Find out more.


Our spokespeople are experts in their field and can speak on a broad range of issues. Call the press team to arrange an interview.

Stephen Cotton
Stephen Cotton was elected at the 43rd ITF Congress in Sofia, Bulgaria in 2014, re-elected at the 46th ITF Congress in Singapore, 2018 and the 46th ITF Congress in Marrakech, 2024. Under his leadership, the ITF has transformed into a proactive campaigning organisation, allowing the ITF and its affiliates to secure industry-leading contracts and protocols with key multinational companies in the transport sector.
Paddy Crumlin
Paddy Crumlin is the President of the ITF, a position he has held since 2010. He is also National Secretary of the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA), a role he has held since 2000, National President of the Construction, Forestry and Maritime Employees Union (CFMEU), and a Member of the Executive Board of the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU).
ITF’s wider elected leadership include regional Vice Presidents, as well as and industrial section and department chairs. They can be contacted through the press team.

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