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Share your #SeafarerJourney and help us celebrate Day of the Seafarer 2022

Hовости 23 Jun 2022

Saturday 25 June is Day of the Seafarer. The official IMO theme for Day of the Seafarer in 2022 is: year 'Your voyage: Then and Now'.  

We want you to help us to help us celebrate this important day and the massive contribution of seafarers to the world, by sharing your own seafaring journey alongside many other seafarers. So, how has your personal voyage in seafaring changed over time? Is seafaring today like how it was when you first started out?Whether you’ve been a seafarer for 6 months, 16 years, or 66: we would love to hear your story! Share your story now through this quick and easy online form we've developed:

We'll collate the messages, memories and photos that seafarers submit in to an online photoboard. What a great way to celebrate seafarers and show your diversity! You can see some examples of seafarers and their leaders who have already been sharing their #SeafarerJourney with us:

We think Day of the Seafarer is a great opportunity to celebrate seafarers and for seafarers themselves to show how far they've come along life's voyage.


Whether it’s new technology, improvements to training, modern health and safety standards, better and cheaper internet connectivity, or extending cabotage to more workers in more countries - seafarers’ lives have been getting better. And so many of those improvements are a result of seafarers' unions fighting to secure that change. Share your #SeafarerJourney and help us celebrate by sharing your seafaring journey now:


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