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ITF dockers and seafarers unions honour ILWU longshoreman killed in fatal incident in Los Angeles

Hовости 16 May 2019

Brother Santoyo tragically passed away Wednesday, May 15, 2019 after an incident at the Pier which has also critically injured a second college and ILWU brother. 

On Thursday, May 16, 201, in Genoa, Italy, after hearing reports from ITF President Paddy Crumlin and ILWU Secretary-Treasurer Ed Ferris, the ITF Fair Practices Committee, representing our dockers’ and seafarers' affiliates around the world, held a moment of silence in respect of the memory of our fallen brother and sent our thoughts and prayers for fellow brother who is fighting for his life in hospital. 

Our thoughts, prayers and best wishes are with the ILWU today and over the coming days and months for the families and of course our brothers and sisters of the ILWU who are impacted by this tragic accident. We know that one of the great costs of these tragic events have on the workforce is the dreadful emotional toll it takes.

Sadly, this tragic accident coincided with the commemoration of ‘First Blood,’ which is held by the ILWU Southern California locals and pensioners every year to remember and honour our fallen comrades who have lost their lives on the waterfront.

Any loss of life is one too many and we will continue to dedicate our work to ensure every worker must return home safety and that if deaths are caused by employer or regulatory negligence those responsible need to go to jail.

Vale Brother Santoyo. 

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