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ITF calls for democracy respect in Venezuela


The ITF has called for the democratic electoral processes in Venezuela to be respected, following the ‘welcome’ election on 14 April of Nicholas Maduro Moros, former leader of the ITF affiliated SITRAMECA trade union.

The ITF commented that Maduro had already demonstrated his respect for workers’ rights and commitment to social justice and is overwhelmingly supported by all ITF affiliated unions in the country, including the newly formed National Transport Workers’ Federation.

The ITF is extremely concerned that some interests in Venezuela appear to be intent on overturning a peaceful electoral process in which 80 per cent of people voted and which was monitored as fair and transparent by international organisations such as the Mission of Observers of the UNASUR (Union of South American Nations) and the Inter-American Union of Electoral Organisations. The election result has also been recognised by most other Latin American countries.

ITF president Paddy Crumlin commented: “This was a clear and lawful victory for Maduro. We and our affiliates strongly condemn any attempt to ignore the result of this election. Such attempts now seriously threaten the country with violence and risk undermining democracy and workers’ rights in Venezuela.”

Antonio Fritz, regional secretary of ITF Americas, added: “We and our affiliates urge everyone to accept this lawful outcome and let Maduro get on with working in the interests of social justice and economic progress in Venezuela.”