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ITF backs decent work in Kenya


Two Kenyan ITF unions, the Dockworkers’ Union Kenya (DUK) and the Kenya Long Distance Truck Drivers & Allied Workers Union (KLDTDAWU), will come together to improve the standard of work and conditions in the country.

The unions stated they want the joint project to promote good industrial relations and exercise union rights. They will also use the project to support women transport workers, and transport workers living with HIV/AIDS.

The ITF/ETF-affiliated Belgian Transport Workers’ Union (BTB) has lent its support to the project, donating several desktop computers and t-shirts. BTB representatives joined a high-profile Belgian delegation at the launch, which included Belgium’s honorary consul to Kenya.

ITF Africa deputy regional secretary, Anna Karume, said of the project: “When dockers and truckers at the Mombasa hub agreed to work together, we knew we had the right strategy to organise across sectors and build our union power.”

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