He stated: "After seven hours in custody, and being asked why a foreigner is supporting Dominican Republic air traffic controllers, I have been released without charge. None of the police officers was able to explain the reasons for the arrest, since clearly no law had been broken. This has been a valuable lesson: these same tactics are being used regularly to intimidate the member of the Dominican Air Traffic Controllers Association (ADCA) – who are now prohibited from even writing reports about incidents in the country's airspace. Twenty eight members, including the union's leaders have been sacked, and there have been many of these arrests without charges."
"I'd like to thank the national trade union centres, and national and international trade unionists for their support. The ADCA will not be silenced. This arrest stopped me from addressing a press conference on the ATC situation today. I'm glad to say that the event will now go ahead tomorrow."
ITF official arrested for investigating ATC problems in Dominican Republic is released
Communiqué de presse
Communiqué de l’ITF sur la collision aérienne à Washington
La Fédération internationale des ouvriers du transport (ITF) est choquée et attristée par la tragique collision aérienne, survenue tôt ce matin à Washington, entre un appareil de la compagnie PSA
Scott Bateman
La Fédération internationale des ouvriers du transport (ITF) a appris avec tristesse la disparition soudaine de Scott Bateman, représentant national d’Unifor à Ottawa et directeur du secteur des
Communiqué de presse
L’ITF salue l’accord de trêve, appelle à ce qu’il soit respecté à la lettre et réclame des mesures en faveur d’une paix durable
La Fédération internationale des ouvriers du transport (ITF) salue l’annonce d’un accord de cessez-le-feu entre le Hamas et Israël, mettant fin à 15 mois d’un conflit dévastateur ayant causé la mort