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ITF & ICS Guidance on Eliminating Shipboard Harassment and Bullying

Report Published

These guidelines aim to assist companies to develop policies and plans to eliminate harassment and bullying on board ships and involve its seafarers and seafarers’ organisations in this process.

They also give seafarers guidelines aim to assist them in recognising harassment and bullying, information on how to identify incidents and use of effective grievance procedures, how to use, apply and comply with the company’s policies and procedures on bullying and harassment, and when and how to get support from seafarers’ organisations and other welfare bodies.

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Bulletin des gens de mer 2020

Le magazine conçu pour aider la communauté des marins, des pêcheurs et des dockers à mieux connaître ses droits en matière de travail et à savoir vers qui se tourner pour obtenir de l'aide en cas de