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Labour Exploitation in Distant Water Fishing Vessels Registered With the SPRFMO:

Report Published

The Importance Of Comprehensive Risk Analysis Prior To Arrival At Port

Different forms of maritime crime converge behind the activity of distant water fishing fleets. These crimes include human trafficking and forced labour, as well as distinct forms of human rights violations on board, which, given the seriousness and aberrant nature of their consequences, deserve special and prominent attention. The brief arrivals of these vessels into port represent the best opportunities for the prevention, detection and repression of this type of crime, where a comprehensive risk analysis prior to their arrival would greatly contribute to achieving these objectives.  


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Vision et Résolutions du Congrès 2024-2029

Nous présentons ici notre vision 2024-2029, « Les travailleuses et travailleurs des transports font avancer le monde ». Ce sont nos revendications, ainsi que la stratégie par laquelle nous ferons