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Unions demand change to end fire and rehire

Video Published 01 Apr 2022

ITF, ETF, Nautilus International and RMT projection onto the cliffs of Dover demanding that the company be brought to task for its immoral and illegal actions.

This action comes after P&O Ferries sacked 800 seafarers two weeks ago. One Zoom call, 30 minutes notice, and 800 lives, 800 families, 800 homes, communities have been changed forever.

The video features footage of P&O Ferries CEO, Peter Hebblethwaite, brazenly telling MPs that P&O Ferries had broken the law by failing to consult unions, and his shocking admission that “I would make this decision again”.

The actions taken by the UK Government so far are simply not enough. P&O Ferries has set a dangerous precedent that a company can flagrantly flout the laws of this country and go unpunished. Government needs to act, and if the laws don’t protect us, the laws must change.

Without immediate action, the P&O Ferries sackings will be a template for employers across the country to ruthlessly fire workers and replace them with cheaper, more easily exploitable labour.

Government must act to prevent another P&O Ferries’ style jobs massacre. Demand change now: