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ITF’s Sustainable Shipping Position Paper

Report Published

<p><span>Widespread and systemic change is needed to speed up the maritime industry’s transition to a zero-carbon future.<br />
Seafarers are already seeing the dangers of climate change. We are on the front line of the climate emergency. It’s often seafarers who are the ones pulling people from floodwaters. It’s seafarers rescuing climate refugees from our oceans in growing numbers, who may be fleeing climate change-driven droughts, famines, fires and rising sea levels. </span></p>

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Vision et Résolutions du Congrès 2024-2029

Nous présentons ici notre vision 2024-2029, « Les travailleuses et travailleurs des transports font avancer le monde ». Ce sont nos revendications, ainsi que la stratégie par laquelle nous ferons